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Rhinoplasty After Broken Nose

Rhinoplasty (nose job) is the main plastic surgery that is performed to correct the inner and outer structure of the nose. Most rhinoplasty procedures are performed for aesthetic reasons but it can also fix some medical conditions like difficulty breathing. Doctors sometimes suggest rhinoplasty after broken nose cases because rhinoplasty is capable of fixing almost every medical condition that is related to the correction of the nose’s structure.

A nose can be broken in a million different ways. It is true that a broken nose can be fixed with rhinoplasty procedures but the last word is always your surgeon’s to say because if you’re not qualified for a rhinoplasty, this means that your problem can not be fixed with rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty surgeons carefully examine the cases (candidates) and build individualized surgery plans for their patients. A broken nose is examined by the doctors and possible surgery routes are designated by them. If there is anything that can interrupt the surgery, the surgeons simply explain that rhinoplasty is not the solution for it.

A rhinoplasty job requires the ultimate post-surgery care especially if you have a broken-nose situation. It is very easy to mess with a nose job just because it’s too fragile and sensitive during the early days of the recovery. However, the future of your nose depends on you. You need to stay home and limit your movement and create a good sleeping environment for yourself.

If you want to get the best rhinoplasty procedure, you need to tell you everything about your medical history because your surgeon will need it. Rhinoplasty complications can be real hardship because of the nose’s complex structure. During recovery, you should also drink lots of water and quit bad habits like smoking and drinking.

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