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Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

If you have trouble breathing or are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you may want to consider rhinoplasty. Nowadays, rhinoplasty can be done by many methods. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is one of the most technological techniques of nose surgery performed by many methods.

Ultrasound technology has been used in cosmetic surgeries for years. Thanks to the recently developed technology, nasal aesthetics are also performed with the help of ultrasonic waves. Thanks to ultrasonic waves, it is possible to straighten even the thinnest and fragile bones.

Surgeons use open nose surgery in ultrasonic rhinoplasty. First of all, the surgeon cuts the bottom of the nostrils and pulls back the skin of the nose. Then, the surgeon begins to correct the bones on the nose that need to be corrected with the help of ultrasound waves. The ultrasonic device is generally used in more sensitive areas. At the end of the operation, the nasal skin is closed with stitches.

Usually, the recovery time of ultrasonic rhinoplasty is 3 weeks, and the results of this treatment method are permanent. The cost of this treatment may vary depending on the surgeon who will apply the procedure, or the clinic you prefer.

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