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Rhinoplasty Eligibility

When it comes to getting a medical procedure like rhinoplasty, the most important thing is always the eligibility. There are a couple of rhinoplasty eligibility requirements needed to be met by the candidates. Rhinoplasty can sometimes be seen as a less complicated invasive cosmetic procedure but it’s actually not. Your nose has a complicated inner structure that includes a couple of capillary vessels. They are responsible for cleaning the air you breathe and smell as well. Rhinoplasty eligibility is very important because it has happened in the past that some patients really suffered from terrible complications.

Open rhinoplasty procedures are highly invasive because they may even involve the complete reconstruction of the nose. Nose bones are broken with medical hammers and reconstructed. Rhinoplasty procedures are mostly performed according to individual surgery plans the surgeons make for their patients.

You need to meet certain eligibility requirements for an open rhinoplasty procedure. You should not have serious health conditions like a ” weak heart ” or diseases like diabetes. Irregularities in heart’s working can be even worsened with a possible rhinoplasty procedure that you can’t afford that to happen.

The worst thing that could happen to a rhinoplasty patient is a possible loss of sensation. This means that you may lose your sense of smell if anything goes wrong with your rhinoplasty procedure. However, surgeons of today are more skilled and experienced about such concerns. They are better than those of the past who performed cutthroat rhinoplasty procedures.

Your nose will be carefully examined by your surgeon for any possible non-eligibility elements. Once you’re considered eligible for an open rhinoplasty procedure, you and your surgeon will talk about your individualized surgery plan. You can tell your expectations if they can be done by your surgeon or not. You should also keep in mind that most rhinoplasty candidates are considered eligible, rejections are quite rare.

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